Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The very first time he allowed me to hang out with BOY without saying much things!
oh gosh! touching man! >.<

since the days that i be with him, i getting lesser and lesser to hangout with friends, especially with GUYS!!!!
he is a sensitive man.. no.. should say he is a traditional man! 
no idea with it.. because he is the one that i choose! hahahaha

but, since these few months, he changed a lot!
because of me ;)
i used to hang out with my buddys since form 2 or 3 i think.
haha xD he had no idea with it..
because i'm a hyperactive girl! ;D
so, he started to accept it and get use to it..

and, so, do i..
compare to last days, i stay more in house than before. @.@
oh gosh! i can't believe this is me?!
hahaha xD but since he changed for me, but why i can't?
i must be fair sometimes.. teehee! :D

today, without saying anythings, he said okay! :D
good! thumbs up! fantastic!
so, i had spent my time with ccl at each a cup this noon!
and with thai ming also :)
long long long time never meet him ==> chen chee loon

sigh~ i also can't find out the reason why everytime once i plan something.
someone or some incident will spoil it! >.<
i hate this.. not the first time..
i'm totally disappointed with this! >.<
sigh~ suddenly, emo.. stop here. night ;(


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