Saturday, May 19, 2012

hot weather

these few days, really really hot! :(
i hate hot weather much >.<
keep on sweating..
please, please, please,
raining please..
i support 3R geh~
so, i don't want always switch on the air-con. >.<

went for badminton today!
add on i took medicine today :(
kill me better >.<
itssssssssssssssssssss tiring!!!!
oh gosh!
nevermind, still can tahan!
strong! ;D

recently, plan to open a webpage for myself for business matter :)
i'm too lack of money recently..
i'm jobless!!!

i trying trying trying..
everybody, please dor dor bong chan ;)
but, i can't find a shop that can take stock in cheaper price ;(
who can help me?

nevermind, still in early stage.
i'm sure i can do it in future! :)

i'm coming soon~
seems interesting there <3
my boy said will get me there in these few days ;)
i want to try the game there..
but, is it safe enough?
i'm poor enough recently, hope that the games there won't cost me much >.<
wait for me!

and 1 thing more,
yesterday went to my boy new house for bbq and steamboat party!
for open house! :D
the very first time i stay together with his parents for so many hours @.@
lup dup lup dup~ heart beating..
luckily a lot of my friends went there too~
soo sooo sooooooo...
i just keep on chit-chatting with them! xD

first impression is important..
but, i spoilt it~ T.T
my eye...........
oh my gosh!
so ugly enough! >.<

no more story for today and yesterday.
end up here ;)

and good luck for those friends who going to private.
all the best in your future! :P


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