Thursday, September 10, 2009


English Science Technology
a subject that i not interest in.
i'm not the friend of e.s.t.
unfrotunately, both of us can't be friends.
because my english is poor.
add on, my science technology knowledge is worst!
if you ask me those infromation about technology.
sorry to tell you " I don't know"
it's too hard for me to memorise the function of computer or blahs.
i'm totally a stupid when facing computer.
i just know the way to surf the net and how to function microsoft word.
that's all.
mr. poh, my est teacher.
he told us that the essay for this exam will relate to computer.
when i get this information, i was just " what the. . . . . . "
a common but strange thing for me.
how come relate to computer.
actually, now i'm trying to surf the internet to get those info about computer.
but it's really too hard for me.
as what i said just now, " i'm totally a stupid when facing the computer"
i think i better follow my friend's suggestion.
read the textbook.
maybe will helped a bit~
not in mood to study my e.s.t.
for sure that, i can't score in this subject again.
but i really do wish that i can score well in this paper.
not just this paper, but others papers too!
i want to get high marks!
i wish to score with flying colours!
online and crapping with those XXX in facebook just now.
releasd some stress with crapping with them.
stop here.
without wasting my time, i need to study my E.S.T.
(although i wasted a lot of time already)
last but not least, happy birthday my dear friend, ting han!
we knew each others since primary school.
we had been good friends since we are just 8 years old.

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