Thursday, November 29, 2012

Unsolvable problem

It's me again.
Recently like ti visit here.
A lot of things cannot share out with saying out from mouth.

People, I'm not try to show off or what.
I just wish to have a place for me to share out my happiness.
Again, proud of myself.
Because i got the highest marks in quiz again.
But, unfortunately, this marks is not counted ;(
Due to more than half people in class get 0 mark only, our lecturer wants us to retake this quiz.
NOT fair ;((
Nevermind, i think still can keep this record right?
hahaha xD
gayau lar..
get your next highest mark again!

Recently, keep on argue with him.
I'm too tired in this.
That's why i just hang off the phone call.
Because I don't want this to be happen continuously.
Damn tired!

Cried for too many times.
Tell myself to be stronger than before.
Don't just keep on try to lye on the shoulder which not belong to yourself.
Time had killed our love.


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