Thursday, November 22, 2012

Back to normal life

Hey people, please don't misunderstand the tile of the day.
Why i said back to normal life?
This is because, i had completed 2 quizzes, 2 tests, 1 project in few days time.
Kill me better.

GG-ed by programming techniques!
Its the biggest enemy among all my subjects. 
How come you cannot treat me better instead of keep on hurting me?
But, nothing to blame actually.
Because I never love you before.
So, start from this moment, will try to love you as much as I can!
Because, I want to score well!
Pass with flying colors!

Another thing is!
I think I did well in my ICT quiz today!
Because I know how to answer all the questions except one. ;(
Feel quite sad because of this!
Gonna be more hardworking.
Want to make sure myself know how to answer all questions next time!
Hehe.. Perhaps~

And, i did a stupid mistake in my Fundamental Discrete Structure quiz again. ;(
I know the concept, but i wrote it wrongly.
What a sad case!
Unforgivable mistake!
Make sure be careful when answering question next time! Okay?

Final examination approaching.
Am I ready yet?
Obviously nope!
Especially for my programming techniques subject.
Promise promise and promise again to yourself.
Accept the challenge instead of keep on run away from it!

Aim : Get at least 3.67 in this subject okay?

Okay.. Test weeks finally had passed.
But, my presentation weeks and assignments weeks coming.
Actually, all this tasks are taking turn in torturing me
Pity me.
But, so what?!
Come on baby!
Accept your challenge! xD

Because I am Chee Lok Yee!

Smile to face everything no matter how worst the thing is!


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