Saturday, August 29, 2009


sick for few days.

why recently i always sick?

i prefer to use all my rest time to do my revision.

i had waste a lot of time for my resting time.

i hate it much!

yesterday, my besties come to my house.

study group.

but, sorry dear.

i unable to join you all.

i slept all the time.

they read all the time.


funny right?

seems like borrow a place for them to read only.

i prefer to join you all than sleeping.


anyway, thanks for take care of me yesterday.

you all will be my besties forever!


next, thanks to my dearest prs committee.

thanks for organised this such of farewell for us.

i love you all much!

i enjoyed the time chatting, capturing and joking wilth you all.

next year, ganbateh ya!

and this is for me dearest chairman, soek ting.

i know you can handle this club well.

trust yourself just like the way i trust you!

confidence yourself.

don't let yourself to be too stress.

any problem, you can find me this old biscuit geh.


i will try my best to solve the problems with you.


all of this also just my illusion right?

how come it be?

what happened to me?

or all of this never happened to me?

i like him?

i don't think so.

maybe it was just a sudden feel.

or, maybe it just a illusion for me.

or it never happen before.

maybe just because of he is too caring to me.

maybe these days i was too depent on him.

i want to be miss independent start from this moment.

these days, he messages me everday.

thanks for caring me so much.

but, maybe i'm not suit for you.

maybe,what you told me before was a joke.

there are too much of maybe between us.

just now, he told me something.

it affected my mood.

sorry for simply reply you.

but i really no mood to continue texting with you.

is that means that i have some feel towards you?

i hope that i won't happen to me.

because for now, i just want to concentrate in my studies.

concentrate in my spm.

that's all for me for now.

although i'm single now, but i enjoy my life much.

** thank you, jia ying **

thanks for giving me the birthday present.


i promise you i will open it on 14th of september.




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