Sunday, August 23, 2009


i'm not sure how should i start my blog.
i also don't know how sould i describe my mood now.
i don't know where can i express my feelings.
maybe my blog is the only space for me to express my sad feelings.
yesterday was jia ying's birthday.
again, happy birthday to her.
hang out with her just now.
hanging gang for just now.
** LOK **
** YING **
** REN **
** LOONG **
just four of us.
at first, i bought an apple cake for jia ying with tzyy ren.
after that, we went to her house just like what we plan before.
we just crapping there without as usual.
acting nothing happened.
just go out for chit-chatting.
at first, i thought i wad nothing there.
just simply play and play and play.
chit chat.
enjoying at first.
i thought i will be okay.
i'm fine.
but, my mood was affected after he took back his handphone.
wat happened?
why can't allowed me to look through inside?
any secret?
or something else?
my mood was worst!
i hope to get an answer.
what is inside his phone?
after celebration, he fetched me back to home.
but he didn't notice something.
he didn't notice my feelings.
when the time he go down to buy something.
i heard the song that the cd player playing.
jay chou's song.
in the sudden moment, my eyes full of tears.
i also don't know what happened.
i also can't explain to myself what this will happened.
he never notice that i was not happy.
when he ride on the car, my tear dropped.
he never notice that i was sad.
he never know that i'm crying.
he know nothing.
i just act like usual, just like nothing happened.
when i reached home, my tears started to drop.
i can't controll it at all.
now only i notice i really do miss him so much!
but, who cares?
even him not care at all.
i really hope that he won't saw my blog forever.
GOD, please. .
don't let him saw my blog.
i don't want both of us to be stranger again.
i hate to be stranger.
sorry, actually i try my best to treasure you before.
but, i don't know the correct way to treasure you.
i was too childish for that time.
even that i don't know how should i express my love to you.
and now,
i'm getting mature.
but, it's seems like to late to tell you
sick for love
1.31 a.m.

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