Sunday, January 6, 2013

♥ W.I.S.H.E.S ♥

Hello people, finally have a lot of free to be blog here.
Previously I cannot spend too much time in blogging, this is because I was facing my final examination in UMP.
Seriously, final examination killed me!
Normally I studied until late of the midnight.
Because of the stress brought by my final, I even cannot sleep properly too!
Kill me badly.
That’s why I always do face headache and fever attack during that period.
Luckily, my final ended on 3rd of January!
And now, I am in my lovely hometown – KAMPAR!

I have so many new year wishes in this 2013 year! :D

Study In The University that I Wish to go for
Aim for the university that I wish to go for.
Really hope that wish will come true!
GOD, please bless me.
Pray Hard!
Hope that my wish will come true!

Everyone who Stay around Me will be Happy and Healthy Always
Seriously, I always do appreciate what GOD gives me now.
Hopefully they will always stay in healthy condition!

Good Result in My Education
Score well, pass with flying colors!
This is what I aim since I enter local university.
Every students’ wishes right?

And, I going to list out some targets or aims for myself in year 2013 :

Save Money to Buy Something For Myself and My Lovely Family
I want a camera and a new phone.
I want to get that soon.
Hehe. That’s why I going to earn much more money to buy myself something.
Perhaps as a reward for myself IF I get a good result in my final?
I want to buy my daddy and mommy something since they always care and concern about me.

Change to be a well-looking girl
Seriously, I am too lazy in make up or spend time in “decorate” myself.
I think I should change my bad habit.
But, my fashion sense is really too bad.
Anyone can help me?
Should start to let myself to have a better appearance since I’m going to be 21 years old soon.

Learn some cooking and baking skill
Although my cooking and baking skill is not bad, but still wish to go for a better skills.
Actually I really do love to cook and bake something.
Enjoy the process. But, I hate the clean up process.
Proved that I’m a lazy girl right?
Plan to learn some during this semester break which I having now! :D

Let myself to be more slim and fairer
I admit. I’m fat!
Like a pig!
Can I have a pair of slim leg?
My leg is too short.
That’s why I must have a pair of slim leg to let them look longer.
Motivate myself to slim down before Chinese New Year!
And my skin color is too dark.
Anyone have any idea to let my skin to be fairer?
Want to have a fresh look this year!
Will try my best!

Have vacation in oversea start from this year
Perhaps start from Taiwan or Hong Kong?
Greedy target right?
But, will try my best to save more money to achieve my target!

Try to push up my business profit
Since I want to save money to achieve my target, I should work hard on business to get hit more sales.
Handle all my shops well!
This is my part time. J
Try my best also! J

Temporarily these are my wishes and targets.
GOD bless me please!
I want my first wish to come true J

Good night everyone.
I believe year 2013 will be another great year.
NOPE! Should be a better year! :D


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