Wednesday, July 24, 2013









Monday, April 1, 2013

Life still go on

Had been a long  long time never update my bloggie. 
Quit miss my lovely space here.
Due to my laziness, I decided to abandon it for some time.
And, finally I'm back again. 
And, this will be a long post. :D

Notice the post title? **Life still go on**
Ya. I had made a big big decision.
I quit from local university for more than 1 month already.
And, I miss those university life so much.
Wish to study much. ;(
Everyone is studying now, but I'm doing nothing =.=
Hate this feeling much.
And, currently I'm working in cinema.
I hate working life!

I feel so regret because of leaving UMP that early. 
I should left there after CNY event.
I missed that big big event >.<
As a head of sponsor unit, I had left for that event.
Feel that I'm so irresponsible. ;(
Sorry guys, please forgive me.
Although Alvy keeps on comforting me and told me I was a part of them.
But, still feel so down because of this matter.
Committees invited me to go for their CNY event.
But, due to its too far from my home, my mummy did not allow me to go there.
On 23.03.2013, I kept on scrolling up and down in my Facebook account to get the latest news and photos from them.
Congratulations to you guys because organizing such an awesome event! :D
**Clap hands**

But, I did cried and emo for the whole night 2 days ago.
Because Randy forgot to order the event tee shirt for me.
Once I got the news from Alvy, tears drop immediately.
That tee shirt is too important for me.
A memorable thing for me. ;(
But, I can't get it ;(
A sad case.

Last week, one of the customer fainted after watched **OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN**.
This Malay girl went to cinema with a Malay guy.
Both are only 17 years old.
Once she fainted, we requested the Malay boy to call the Malay girl's parents.
But, both of them refused to do so.
I think they worried that her parents will scold her/ him.
Don't know. 
Therefore, we sent her to hospital.
And, epic thing happened =.=
The Malay boy asked us to keep secret for him.
He said : Nanti ibu dia datang, jangan cakap saya bersama dengan dia ya. Beritahu mereka bahawa dia seorang pergi tengok wayang.
I was like OMG! You this stupid fellow.
After that he scared until hide himself in the toilet. @.@
The guy even never visit the girl and concerned about her condition in that moment.
In that moment, I feel like want to ask that girl to forget about him.
And, at the end, the stupid fellow requested us to fetch him to bus station and just left the pity girl alone. 
I felt like want to refuse his request. But at the end, my colleague fetched him to take bus.
Once I told the girl that the guys left, she said : "Dia sudah balik?" Then tears dropped.
I don't know how to comfort her. I thought that guy told her that he going back first.
But I learned something from this case.
And, hopefully she learned something from this case also.
This guy, cannot put too much hope on him.
Girl, must be strong and must know well about your partner before he is your husband or boy friend.

Recently, I watched a video which discuss about 中学生应该谈恋爱吗?
This short video let me think about my life when I was a secondary school student.
One guy passed by in my mind. 
I admit I had sweet memories with him.
But, all those is just past tense.
I still feel so thankful because he appeared in my life before. :)
Thanks for coloring a part of my life before. :)

There's nothing more to talk about.
I know my blog always ended with lame ending.
Sorry >.< Because I'm not good in English and writing also.
Forgive me.
Pray hard for my future study.
Hopefully can get some good news in academic stuffs :)


Sunday, February 10, 2013


** ANG ANG **

Outfit of the day!





Friday, February 8, 2013

A date with the man

    Everyone, I'm back again ;D Had been few days never update my personal blog. Because of my laziness and I don't want to blog about my emo things. Therefore, prefer not to blog out those things :D

     Today, gonna take about my date with him :) Nothing special. But had a happy moment with him. Both of us went to Ipoh. Actually we planned to buy ourselves some new pants, but finally, we bought nothing. Hmmmmm~ No.. Should be he buy nothing but I buy something :D Teehee~ 

     Finally, I received my late "Christmas" present. :) A cardigan and a top from Cotton On which choose by myself :) Thank you my man! And, there was a funny scenario happened when we went to pay for my top. The original price for the top is RM49.90 but when we paid, the cashier said " Total is RM20++" **forget the price already** Both of us were like OMG?! We thought the cashier make some mistake and we felt so lucky that time. Then the cashier told us, " You are entitle to get 40% discount for all the items you buy until Sunday." A great news for me but a bad news for him. Because....... Haha.. I wanted to buy the cardigan too since we entitle to get 40% discount for all the items :D That's why he bought me another cardigan too :) Haha. Thanks again my dear!

     And today, met 3 friends separately. Everybody seems so free? haha. But there's nothing to talk about. Just simply mention why everybody so free today? :) We planned to watch movie, but at the end, we watched nothing again ;( Will wait for another date again ;( Sob..

     And, finally I have the final decision already :) Will share with you guys once I success to do that :) In this brand new year, I want to have a more and more colorful and cheerful life. And, I'm sure that I can achieve it! :D **Fighting**

p/s : Recently addicted to watch " Running man". Thus, I will keep on say "Fighting"


Tuesday, January 29, 2013








 Went to KL 2 days ago.
Bought a dress.
And a bottle of "Sticky".
That's all for my KL trip.

Had discussed with my relatives about the courses which I interest in.
Few of them agree with my choice.
But unfortunately, one of my uncle and my mum not agree with my choice.
Mass Communication will be a big deal or big problem?
Always told me decide myself.
Choose the path which I wish to go for.
But why?
At last told me that all these are about my stupid "Star Dream"?
Why those people who choose to be a doctor are not called as " doctor dream"?
Everyone has their own ambition right?
And what I choose to go for is only mass communication.

I had no place to voice out my own feelings.
Except here.
Because I know there's not much people visit my blog even though none of them.
That's why I prefer to voice out here.
Anyone willing to hear my heart words?
After the dinner with my relatives, I cried for whole night.
But who knows?
And, who cares?

I really unwilling to go back UMP anymore.
But, what can I do?
Why I must go for finance?
I had do some research about this course.
I know that I'm not really interest about this course.
But why don't you all listen to my own opinion and my own view?

I can't do anything.
Search for so many info.
But at the end, all these info are just rubbish.
I had cried for so many days.
The life in UMP is torturing me.
Who cares?
Yesterday, I can't stand anymore.
I cried in frond of him again.
Getting more and more moody recently.
I tried my best to pretend I'm happy in front of everybody.
And I know, I success to cheat them.
Even myself, I don't actually know what is happy and what is sad.

Days come to days, almost the time to start my 2nd sem.
Getting more and more upset.
Time can please stop in this moment?
I want to search back the optimistic me.
I want to find back my smile.


Friday, January 25, 2013

Some words in my heart

Hi people, its me again.
Should I go for that?
Bachelor in law.
Since I was studying in secondary school, a lot of people asked me to go for law in future.
Seriously, should I go for it?
I have no idea with my future anymore.
Because, I don't know which path should I go for.
But, what I know is I totally not interest in fields which related much with computers.

How many peoples know that every time before I going back to UMP, I kept on crying.
My tear drops automatically.
I dislike that place so so much~
I don't have many friends there.
I can't communicate with my coursemates sometimes.
Seriously, this feeling is killing me.
Every time before going back to that hell place, I do always cry in front of him.
He is the only one who knows that how sad I am.
He is the only one who knows that how unwilling for me to go back UMP.
He is the only who hug me when I cried in front of him.
I dare not to tell anyone how sad I am.
I dare not to show how unhappy I am.
Because, I dare not to let them my actual feeling.

Because, I worry will let them feel disappointed.
Because, I worry they will scold me again.
Because, I know my mum will not listen properly to my heart words.
But, I did try my best to score as high as possible.
I know I can score if I force myself to do so.
But, did any of you really care about my happiness?
Do you guys concern about me?
Do you guys ask me am I happy or not?
I dare not to tell anythings about that.

Had search for few private university recently.
Han Jiang College
For HJ, I think this will not be the first consideration.
This is because it is a college but not university.
I think the school fees is too high for me.
Out of budget.
Another one : MMU
This one still under consideration.
Mass com?
Or something relate with acting?

I forget how many times i had cried silently before.
I dare not to tell anyone even him too.
I keep on pray to my dearest GOD and ask him to show me a way I should go for.
But, until now I also don't know where should I go for.
I seem like lost the path that I should go for.
Because, I dare not to tell them my heart words.
That's why I start to feel not interest in studying anymore.
Anyone can tell me or show me the way should I go for?

Maybe I should tell them how unhappy I am.


Saturday, January 12, 2013







Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Colorful my life

I believe that everyone living in the Earth will go for a colorful life instead of a colorless life.
Same to me.
I do prefer colorful life.

Finally, made a decision to try again.
Never give up easily also be one of the criteria to achieve a colorful life for yourself right?
I think so.
Therefore, I do not allow myself to give up easily.
Although some people might think my action is quite ridiculous, but at least i try my best.
Sometimes, we could not care too much about how people think about you.
Because this is your life but not others.
So, please do treat yourself better and do something that you feel that is worth to.
Although I know the rate of percentage to be success is less than 50%, but at least i try.
Thus, there will be no reason for me to feel regret in future.

People, sometimes chances is not given by others but is you are the one to create for yourself.
Maybe, sometimes I just lack of some luck.
Hopefully, this time Angel of Luck will stand by my side.
Here I come to prove again how sincere I am.
Please give me some luck and a precious chance.
I will proved to you that it is worth for you to give me a chance in future.

It is the day for me to grab the chance.
People, pray for me and wish me good luck please.
Appreciate with the every pray from you guys.

Its like a war.
A war which may lead me to a greater future.
I know I can do it.
And, I also do believe I can do it!

GOD, I can feel that you are staying beside me again


Tuesday, January 8, 2013








Sunday, January 6, 2013

♥ W.I.S.H.E.S ♥

Hello people, finally have a lot of free to be blog here.
Previously I cannot spend too much time in blogging, this is because I was facing my final examination in UMP.
Seriously, final examination killed me!
Normally I studied until late of the midnight.
Because of the stress brought by my final, I even cannot sleep properly too!
Kill me badly.
That’s why I always do face headache and fever attack during that period.
Luckily, my final ended on 3rd of January!
And now, I am in my lovely hometown – KAMPAR!

I have so many new year wishes in this 2013 year! :D

Study In The University that I Wish to go for
Aim for the university that I wish to go for.
Really hope that wish will come true!
GOD, please bless me.
Pray Hard!
Hope that my wish will come true!

Everyone who Stay around Me will be Happy and Healthy Always
Seriously, I always do appreciate what GOD gives me now.
Hopefully they will always stay in healthy condition!

Good Result in My Education
Score well, pass with flying colors!
This is what I aim since I enter local university.
Every students’ wishes right?

And, I going to list out some targets or aims for myself in year 2013 :

Save Money to Buy Something For Myself and My Lovely Family
I want a camera and a new phone.
I want to get that soon.
Hehe. That’s why I going to earn much more money to buy myself something.
Perhaps as a reward for myself IF I get a good result in my final?
I want to buy my daddy and mommy something since they always care and concern about me.

Change to be a well-looking girl
Seriously, I am too lazy in make up or spend time in “decorate” myself.
I think I should change my bad habit.
But, my fashion sense is really too bad.
Anyone can help me?
Should start to let myself to have a better appearance since I’m going to be 21 years old soon.

Learn some cooking and baking skill
Although my cooking and baking skill is not bad, but still wish to go for a better skills.
Actually I really do love to cook and bake something.
Enjoy the process. But, I hate the clean up process.
Proved that I’m a lazy girl right?
Plan to learn some during this semester break which I having now! :D

Let myself to be more slim and fairer
I admit. I’m fat!
Like a pig!
Can I have a pair of slim leg?
My leg is too short.
That’s why I must have a pair of slim leg to let them look longer.
Motivate myself to slim down before Chinese New Year!
And my skin color is too dark.
Anyone have any idea to let my skin to be fairer?
Want to have a fresh look this year!
Will try my best!

Have vacation in oversea start from this year
Perhaps start from Taiwan or Hong Kong?
Greedy target right?
But, will try my best to save more money to achieve my target!

Try to push up my business profit
Since I want to save money to achieve my target, I should work hard on business to get hit more sales.
Handle all my shops well!
This is my part time. J
Try my best also! J

Temporarily these are my wishes and targets.
GOD bless me please!
I want my first wish to come true J

Good night everyone.
I believe year 2013 will be another great year.
NOPE! Should be a better year! :D


Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Stressful week.
I also wondering why I still have extra time to blog here.
Feel too stress.
Because, its final examination week!

I keep on study recently.
But, seriously have no idea about the stupid PROGRAMMING!
Why its hard to understand the logic and concept?
Read and read and read!
Totally feel moody everytime when I'm facing this subject.
Tomorrow going to take this paper.
Hopefully will not fail in this subject.
GOD, please stay beside me. I need energy.
Feel too stress. Cannot express my feeling at all.

GOD, please stay beside me.
Please let me understand all the things relate with Programming subject!
I don't want to fail!
I don't want!

** Happy new year everyone **
