Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Stay or leave?
Continue or give up?
There's such a big decision waiting for me to decide!
No.. Perhaps i should say 2 big decision waiting for me to decide. 

Seriously, sometime i really do hate to make a decision.
And the decision that i hate to make are all relate with my future and life!
Not really.
Just don't know what decision should i make to achieve a better future and life.
This is woman?
Perhaps... Or I'm only the one who always face this kind of problem?

People always do go for the better life right?
Same here.
I just wish to be the only me.
The real me instead of changing to be another me.
Why always do force me to so something that I'm not happy with?
Why always to force me to be the fake me which not my real personalities?
I hate FAKE people!
So, please do not change me to become the one that I hate.
Or else I will hate myself too

What you guys understand about relationship?
I mean couple larr.
Is it all relate with love only?
For me not really, is about tolerate.. Is about accept the characteristics and the personalities of your partner.
But, why my partner doesn't accept mine?

What a sad case for others t hear that from me.
Seriously, getting more and more unwilling to share my story with others.
There's too much problems between me and him.
I admit that I'm not willing to tolerate more start from last week.
I just wish to be the true, real me.
Is that a fault?

I am person who like to stand in front of others to perform something.
I like to be emcee, i like to be one of the character in drama.
I love to stand on stage!
I'm that kind of girl!
Not to expose myself to be more popular, but these are the things that I like to do much!
I love my social like.
I really do like to make friends with others, organise some events and so on.
This is the true character of me!
You knew that since the day you come to me.
But, why... 
Until now you still try to change me to be someone.
Damn emo because of this!
I do not like to argue with you frequently.
It drives me crazy and cannot focus in doing my revision!

A photo with a guy is that weird for you?
Just a memory snapshot between friends.
So what?
Asked my friends with same question : Will you boy allow you to take photo with guy?
All the answers are same!
Just a photo, that's all!

A big sigh~
How to enhance?
How to maintain?
Anyone can teach me?

I just feel like want to stop this kind of arguement.
I'm tired.

And, people! Happy 20122012!
Another special day!
Appreciate it!


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