Saturday, December 8, 2012

Busy University Life

     Maybe this is the "enjoyable" university life that mentioned by seniors before. LOL! I hate this kind of busy life much! This is because I cannot master my course subject well, therefore, i hate busy life! It wastes me a lot of time in doing others useless stuff.

     Seriously, I hate the feeling of running an event without a good preparation! It will make me crazy! Please do not repeat this kind of stupid "planning" again! Wasted me a lot of time in rushing all the things! 

     Went to Kuantan to have a deal with Sin Chew Jit Poh manager just now. It was so funny in chit-chatting with seniors. LOL! Damn funny lar them! xD But it was a tiring trip! Because i slept at 4a.m yesterday! Today rushed to the bus-stop and waited senior to fetch me to Kuantan. GOSH! I hate rushing seriously! But, don't know why i always rush here and rush there because of the only 1 reason! Over slept! >.< Gonna change my bad habit soon!

     3 weeks later will be my final exam. But, i still have not prepare anything yet. I want to get a good pointer. Will be too late to start all these things now? Hopefully i can rush all the things and catch up what lecturer had taught previously. ;( GOD bless me :(

     1 week later will be prom night. But, but, but, my diet plan still haven't success yet. Fat like a pig now! T.T Can i slim down in 5 days time? Hopefully can. :( Stop eating so much things start from now. Hopefully i can control my appetite! Ganbateh!

     Stop here. Gonna rush for my presentation slide. Good luck in my next presentation! :D


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