Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Hi people, is me again.
Unbelievable that I had spent a whole night time chatting with 2 seniors.
Alvy and Celine.
Sounds weird. Because we have no any link with each other.
Just because of the CNY sponsor things, we had spent a whole night in crapping together!
Anyway, a funny and awesome night!
We all actually are so 38! :P
Don’t try to deny!

Finally, settle Bazaar stuff. Hopefully everything runs smoothly start from tomorrow!
GOD blessing me. I know! Hahaha
Another thing is, keep fit plan fail again!
I had cococrunch as my supper again!
I served this together with milk.
One word : FAT!
3 more days will be prom night.
My tummy please leave me alone.
I found my partner in my prom night already.
Please do not worry about me anymore, I need not your accompany >.<

Study study and study!
Next week going to have 4 tests, 5 quizzes, 1 final report, 1 assignment!
What a pack week!
I need more time! 24 hours are too less for me!
Gayau babe! You can do it!

Another thing would like to share here is, how come so many people thought I’m a banana?
I know Chinese!
I know it! Although not that expert like others lar
I’m a pure Chinese, sure I know my language well
Between, is it good for me because others thought I’m a banana?

Before end up my post for today, I would like to say something to you all!
Since everyone also posting 12.12.12 in facebook, I also want to shout out!!!
HAPPY 12.12.12 to everyone!
Today will be a great great day.
Hopefully I success to register the time table which I prefer later :P

Stop talking here. Head back to my book!
Not FACEBOOK but face book!

Night dude!


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