Friday, December 21, 2012

Its all about my dream

Notice my title again?
"Its all about my dream"
Had been a long long time never think about think.
But suddenly, this pop up in my mind again.
This is because of this "TVB Awards Presentation 2012".
And for sure you all will know that I'm going to talk about my "STAR" dream again.

Change to another channel.
Chinese channel.





Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Stay or leave?
Continue or give up?
There's such a big decision waiting for me to decide!
No.. Perhaps i should say 2 big decision waiting for me to decide. 

Seriously, sometime i really do hate to make a decision.
And the decision that i hate to make are all relate with my future and life!
Not really.
Just don't know what decision should i make to achieve a better future and life.
This is woman?
Perhaps... Or I'm only the one who always face this kind of problem?

People always do go for the better life right?
Same here.
I just wish to be the only me.
The real me instead of changing to be another me.
Why always do force me to so something that I'm not happy with?
Why always to force me to be the fake me which not my real personalities?
I hate FAKE people!
So, please do not change me to become the one that I hate.
Or else I will hate myself too

What you guys understand about relationship?
I mean couple larr.
Is it all relate with love only?
For me not really, is about tolerate.. Is about accept the characteristics and the personalities of your partner.
But, why my partner doesn't accept mine?

What a sad case for others t hear that from me.
Seriously, getting more and more unwilling to share my story with others.
There's too much problems between me and him.
I admit that I'm not willing to tolerate more start from last week.
I just wish to be the true, real me.
Is that a fault?

I am person who like to stand in front of others to perform something.
I like to be emcee, i like to be one of the character in drama.
I love to stand on stage!
I'm that kind of girl!
Not to expose myself to be more popular, but these are the things that I like to do much!
I love my social like.
I really do like to make friends with others, organise some events and so on.
This is the true character of me!
You knew that since the day you come to me.
But, why... 
Until now you still try to change me to be someone.
Damn emo because of this!
I do not like to argue with you frequently.
It drives me crazy and cannot focus in doing my revision!

A photo with a guy is that weird for you?
Just a memory snapshot between friends.
So what?
Asked my friends with same question : Will you boy allow you to take photo with guy?
All the answers are same!
Just a photo, that's all!

A big sigh~
How to enhance?
How to maintain?
Anyone can teach me?

I just feel like want to stop this kind of arguement.
I'm tired.

And, people! Happy 20122012!
Another special day!
Appreciate it!


Thursday, December 13, 2012






      前几天,某个senior信息我,竟然好像中学生那样,说想认识我什么的,觉得蛮幼稚的,没有理会太多。可是,这个时候觉得,那是候那个senior的信息,现在感觉有点讽刺。 但是,还是觉得是很无聊的信息。




Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Busy weeks

Seriously, 24 hours are not enough for me.
Recently is too busy in settle my KK and academic stuff.
Drives me crazy!

Endless project, presentations and assignments will kill me!
That's university life!
People always tell me that university life if the most enjoyable life in you life.
Who told me this before?
Please stand out!
You this liar!

Just try my best to solve everything as soon as possible.
I'm neither a genius nor a superhero!
I can't settle everything at the same time.
So, please cooperate with me.
And, please do not throw the things to me at the last minutes.
I can't settle it together!
Is this the real meaning of group assignments?

Recently always do sleep late.
Around 3 or 4 o'clock.
Yesterday almost 5am only can sleep on my lovely bed.
I miss my freedom much!

Luckily, yesterday succeed to register my 2nd sem timetable smoothly!
Exactly the timetable i looking for。
But still hope that I will not using this timetable next sem.
Still have the leaving feeling.
GOD, can my wish come true?

Stop here.
Rush for my final report and project again!
Bye guys~


Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Hi people, is me again.
Unbelievable that I had spent a whole night time chatting with 2 seniors.
Alvy and Celine.
Sounds weird. Because we have no any link with each other.
Just because of the CNY sponsor things, we had spent a whole night in crapping together!
Anyway, a funny and awesome night!
We all actually are so 38! :P
Don’t try to deny!

Finally, settle Bazaar stuff. Hopefully everything runs smoothly start from tomorrow!
GOD blessing me. I know! Hahaha
Another thing is, keep fit plan fail again!
I had cococrunch as my supper again!
I served this together with milk.
One word : FAT!
3 more days will be prom night.
My tummy please leave me alone.
I found my partner in my prom night already.
Please do not worry about me anymore, I need not your accompany >.<

Study study and study!
Next week going to have 4 tests, 5 quizzes, 1 final report, 1 assignment!
What a pack week!
I need more time! 24 hours are too less for me!
Gayau babe! You can do it!

Another thing would like to share here is, how come so many people thought I’m a banana?
I know Chinese!
I know it! Although not that expert like others lar
I’m a pure Chinese, sure I know my language well
Between, is it good for me because others thought I’m a banana?

Before end up my post for today, I would like to say something to you all!
Since everyone also posting 12.12.12 in facebook, I also want to shout out!!!
HAPPY 12.12.12 to everyone!
Today will be a great great day.
Hopefully I success to register the time table which I prefer later :P

Stop talking here. Head back to my book!
Not FACEBOOK but face book!

Night dude!


Saturday, December 8, 2012

Busy University Life

     Maybe this is the "enjoyable" university life that mentioned by seniors before. LOL! I hate this kind of busy life much! This is because I cannot master my course subject well, therefore, i hate busy life! It wastes me a lot of time in doing others useless stuff.

     Seriously, I hate the feeling of running an event without a good preparation! It will make me crazy! Please do not repeat this kind of stupid "planning" again! Wasted me a lot of time in rushing all the things! 

     Went to Kuantan to have a deal with Sin Chew Jit Poh manager just now. It was so funny in chit-chatting with seniors. LOL! Damn funny lar them! xD But it was a tiring trip! Because i slept at 4a.m yesterday! Today rushed to the bus-stop and waited senior to fetch me to Kuantan. GOSH! I hate rushing seriously! But, don't know why i always rush here and rush there because of the only 1 reason! Over slept! >.< Gonna change my bad habit soon!

     3 weeks later will be my final exam. But, i still have not prepare anything yet. I want to get a good pointer. Will be too late to start all these things now? Hopefully i can rush all the things and catch up what lecturer had taught previously. ;( GOD bless me :(

     1 week later will be prom night. But, but, but, my diet plan still haven't success yet. Fat like a pig now! T.T Can i slim down in 5 days time? Hopefully can. :( Stop eating so much things start from now. Hopefully i can control my appetite! Ganbateh!

     Stop here. Gonna rush for my presentation slide. Good luck in my next presentation! :D


Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The another post

Finally few days ago, i forgave him.
Another starting point for us.
Should say thank you to both of us because never give up this relationship.
Instead of being more complicated, we tried our best to run it smoother :)
A good try and will try to maintain and enhance it.
Because this is another best present that gave by GOD to me.

And guess what i would like to talk about today?
Another show off?
Previously during my form 6 time, I have no change to show off my result of performance at all.
Except for the co-curricular part.
But now, this seems to be changed!
I got the highest marks in test, i was the only 1 who get the highest marks.

And for today, what i want  to share here is, I was one of the best presenter in my TITAS presentation yesterday.
Another syok news to share out! :D
Clap hands people!
Happy indeed!
Although my slides post, although i have no enough time to present all the slides that i had  prepared for more than 1 week.
But, luckily i still able to be one of them! :D
Glad to hear that from lecturer.
And finally what lecturer told me : " You are so good in your presentation!"
Thank you sir, you made my day!

But, another thing comes into my mind.
ICT presentation~
again, its presentation.
Like a cycle, keep on happening, non-stop!
Its burden me ;(

And, i have to settle down my sponsor unit stuff and mpp stuff together.
Oh man! I need a break now!
perhaps " have a KIT-KAT, have a break?" hahahaha
Suddenly received a message from 1 of the MPP, " you are the pengarah of Chocolate and Digital fair. This fair will be organised on the coming week! please rent to hall and ......."
Am i a genius?
Suddenly informed me that such a big event coming soon and now only inform me?!
And, I'm the pengarah also?!
Is that University style? o.O
But luckily this fair had been cancelled due to lack of time in preparation! :)
But, change to next year ;(
Still gonna organise that!
And I thought that's the end of my MPP stuff.....
But, this event had been replaced by another one.
and, I'm still the pengarah =.=
BAZAAR... Actually I also don't know what's that. @.@
And, this event will be held on next week also!
For 1 week time T.T
I had no time to revision already ><
Forget about that! Just try my best to squeeze some time out to prepare for my final exam.
Hopefully I can handle all these things well.
Sponsor + Bazaar = pening kepala @.@

Feel worry or my final examination right now ;(
Because i'm not expert in Programming Techniques and this subject is not a subject that you can master well.
Gonna cry soon.
Stress + tension!
Another one, is Application Development Workshop!
Another subject which kill me also!
Coding, please don't bully me anymore.
I don't want to eat ice-cream anymore after the next test.
I want to save my money and tear can?
Please be good to me ;(

3 more weeks to go.
Hope that all things will run smoothly and I can master as much as I can lar.
All the best!
Fight for a better result!

