Wednesday, May 26, 2010


is it our class, pra u bawah sains alfa will vote for a new monitor again?
is it you will leave here soon also?
is it you will continue your journey at another places?
is it a journey without me?

i know.
i realized.
i noticed.
you happy when be with them.
everytime they ask you whether you want to go out with them?
sure you will ask when? okay ark.

but, when i asked you,
errr. . . i can't promise first. tell you later okay?
the difference?
you see it?

as what you always tell me.
" i don't want to promise first because i don't want let you disappointed again. "
maybe it's true.

but, sometimes i really do hope that can hear you say
" okay ark. as long as you feel happy. "

i'm happy when be with you.
you let me feel warm.
let me feel comfortable.

but, sometimes, you really do make me feel hurt.

guy, i'm not tough enough.


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