Wednesday, May 26, 2010



如果有人能为一段没有结果的爱情, 无期限的等待却不怕会换来更多的无奈的话,那么他/她的勇气真的能让人佩服。。。
他/她, 用时间和青春做赌注,哪怕最后伤痕累累,“放不下”的精神已叫人敬佩。。。


也许你会说,“时间,我都不知给了多少,等了多久,但伤口依然存在。”, 但是,请给点耐心, 时间真的能 淡化一切。。。
也许以后想起时,伤口还是隐隐作痛的, 但是到时候身边可能多了个人来分担。多了个人分担,痛也会减少,直到伤口结巴,再变疤痕,最后变成回忆的一部分。。。

给点时间“时间先生”吧, 它永远是最好的心理治疗师。。。

i read these sentences in one blog.
i love it much.
now only i realize and notice

getting more and more of my classmates leave our LOVELY school soon.
they continue their journey with following the aim they set for themselves.
congrates to them.
i wish to do so also.

i wish to leave this school.
i wish to study what i wish to study.
i wish to study actuarial science.
i wish to be an actuary.
i wish to study oversea.

i hope that i can do what i wish to do.
study what i wish to.

chatted with ke xin and keen leong.
really make me have an impulse to leave here as soon as possible.
keen leong, he will studied in melaka soon.
he chooses law as his choice.
envy him.
can straightly what he wish to study.
congratulations man!
ganbateh ya~
in the future, i will find you if i need your help!

maybe he's right.
he told me why don't i leave here also?
why need to waste 2 years time in form 6?
since i have an aim already.

what should i do?
i don't know.

i wish to be a kid again.
a moment that full with happiness.
didn't have any things that need to worry.
just worry no sweets to eat.

but, now. . .
everything are different.
i need to think for my future.
i need to think what should i study.
i need to make a correct choice.
i can't make any mistakes in choosing courses.
if not, sure i will regret someday.

sigh. .
anyone can give any view to me?
i need some advise right now.
i'm . . .
i am lost!!!
i don't know how to choose a way that i should go for.
a journey that i should continue.

GOD, give me energy please.


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