Sunday, October 7, 2012

My first event in UMP

Spotted what i mentioned in my title? 
My first event in UMP.
Be usher of autumn mid festival..
Pesta Tanglung Usher..

The very first time i became usher. 
Different experience.
But seriously, i don't enjoy much in this event.
For me, its not really well-organised.
Sorry for saying that.
But, this is my personal view.
Hope you guys don't mind.

But, at least, the event is quite success also although rain heavily..
And me, become "WET" usher.
Havent' recover from sick but become more sick
Had a bad flu this morning.
Luckily, now getting better.

Shift to lazy mode recently.
I need to change my stupid attitude like that.
Gonna score well and aim for the things and target that i want.

ya, forget to share something will you guys.
A senior asked me to be emcee group leader yesterday.
Feel excited but also worry much.
Actually, i feel that i'm not good in being a good emcee.
I worry that  i can't handle it well and let him feel disappointed.
Seriously, i always do feel that myself is not good enough.
I'm not pretty, I'm not slim.
I don't have a good memory and clever brain.
I don't have a good leadership.
I can't organize something well.
And blahssss...
A lot of things that i can't do it well.
Try to improve myself but seems fail!

And today received a message from JKC there.
Asked me to be the Head of Unit Sponsor.
I have no experience in this field.
Again, new experience.
Hope that i can manage it well.
Give me some time.
I want to prove to myself that i can be much more better.

And lastly, what i want to share with you all is :
I did bad in my Hands on tests last week.
How stupid I am.
I can't even show out the whole programme.
Seriously, i cried on the spot.
I want to score well.
But, i did something stupid in the test.
I can't answer this paper well.
Gonna try my best to master in programming techniques.
Wasted a lot of time.
Gonna study.
Having the next quiz on the coming Tuesday.
Stay tuned!


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