Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Home sweet home

     Although there're tonnes of assignments waiting me to complete them, but i also feel great because I'm in my lovely house now! :D Home sweet home! Gonna prepare for the tests that approaching also. 

     One good news to announce! Woohoo! I got the highest marks in my Fundamental Discrete Structure! Quite unbelievable for me. I never think that i will get the highest marks in my class during my university life. For those who envy the marks that i get, I'm sorry to say that, I'm worth for it! Because i do pay attention in this subject. So, please do not say those stupid things to me again! I hate that much! I get lesser marks than you all in others subject, then should i say the same thing to you all? OMG!

     I want to make myself to be more stronger than before! Although I'm not interest in this course, but i want to let myself fall i love with that! Promise myself must try to achieve as high pointer as i can! And, I want to get well achievement in my co-curricular activities too. That a promise to myself and to GOD!

     Next month, there'll be a Prom night organised by the senior of my campus. Before, there was a senior asked me to be the emcee leader of the leader team. Hope that i can handle it well. And, hope that, i really can be the one :) GOD bless me. Wish that i can be the emcee of the prom night also. Had been a long long time never be emcee already. Feel so excited right now. Pick me! Pick me! Pick me as your partner! Pick me as your choice! Select me to be your partner! hahahahahaha xD Gilanya budak ini :D I mean me lar weyyyyy, don't misunderstanding lar, people. hahahaha xD

     Tonight, gonna date with Li Yan and Thai Ming. Yippie! Wait for the date for tonight. I'm craving for pearl milk tea :) Tonight, plan to go to Pasar Malam and get a cup of pearl milk tea :P Nom Nom Nom~~~~ <3 font="font" nbsp="nbsp">

     Yesterday, argued with him again. Seriously, I feel so tired in this already. Exhausted. Calm down calm down. Don't think too much. Gayau lar wey Chee Lok Yee.

Bye peoples. Stay tuned. :)


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