Thursday, October 18, 2012

Never give up

     I put "Never give Up" as my blog title. Why? Because I'm facing a lot of problems recently. I feel exhausted in solving every problems. I keep on tell myself I cannot give up easily, so that i can get what i targeted before. I want to achieve what I had promised myself and GOD.

     I did badly in my Hands On Test again. I totally have no idea about that. Seriously, I'm not interest in stuffs that related with computer at all. Maybe I'm a good user, but for sure, not a good programmer. Again, I failed to create a program nicely. How stupid I am. ;( Another emo night for me yesterday. What should I do? Try to improve, but i totally cannot fall in love with this course. 

     Among all the subjects that I'm taking, I like Fundamental Discrete Structure most! Because it is Mathematics. It is the easiest subject for me. 

     This 2 weeks are the Tests Week. Seriously, all the tests kill me. Pressure, tension and nervous, all come in once! I can't stand for these. Seriously, I still not strong enough. Perhaps. I should boost up my speed to transform to be a tough and better me. I want to be more strong. I don't want to be the one that always leave behind. 

     And, keep on have some small argue with my man. Sigh~ No idea at all. He promised will treat me better in future. He told me that he will think for me in the future. But, all these are just nonsense, because he keeps on breaking his promises.  ;(  I cried. Few days ago, i cried. Without sharing my problem to anyone, but keep in my heart. He told me that actually i really good enough for him. He knew that i treat him good all the time. But, just feel curious why he cannot change the way he treat me? Sometimes, really feel like actually who am I?

     Long distance relationship~ Easy to maintain or hard? Depends on individual's view. For me, if he willing to change, it will be much more easier to maintain. I did put a lot of effort, since, no ones appreciate, then I think I should love myself more. Learn to be more selfish? Perhaps.

     Sigh~ Forget about it. Focus in my academics. Tonnes of assignments, presentations and tests waiting me. Goodbye people! 


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