Saturday, July 11, 2009


at first, i thought i really can control my stupid feeling towards you.
i thought i can treat you just like a friend.
but, when the time i feel moody, why your face will appreared in my mind?
at first, when i chatting with you.
i really thought that i totally give up.
after a moment,
those sucks feeling sorround me again.
i really hope that i won't miss and thinking of you again.
no more!
again, somebody asked me ," why you love him so much?"
. . . speechless~
my answer will be don't know forever.
the fact is i do really love him!
why this guy will keep on appreared in my mind?
why i still miss him?
i need his love.
i need his caring.
i need his shoulder.
i need him!
he is perfect for me.
he treat me good!!
actually did this word appreared in my life?
did he really love me before?
if yes, then why he can forget me easily?
or i should say why i can't forget him easily?
your name.
is sweet for me.
i will smile naturely when i heard your name.
seems like silly woman right?
i think so.
how deep i love you?
i just will answered,"i will try my best to forget you"
i will use my rest of my life to forget you.
because i don't want to love the one who don't love me anymore.
tomorrow will be the audition of the singing contest that organised by me and my besties.
i hope that everything will be okay lur.
wish that everything go smoothly.
all committee of this singing contest : GANBATEH!
i know we all can solve all the problem if we cooperate to each other.
waiting for the arrival of singing contest.

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