Friday, July 3, 2009


today, is my dear kee's birthday.
celebrated with her just now.
have a happy moment with them!

she cried again this year.hehe.
syok man!
she felt touching.
because i never tell her that his man will come back to kampar and celebrated with her.
that's why she felt so happy and suprised when she saw him!
damn happy today!

when i gather with my gangs, i feel so happy all the time.
don't know why,
i can't explain.
i can't imagine that how my life will be if i lose them one day.
sure my life will become bored like hell and lack of happiness.
they really do delighted my life.
i love them so much! =)

today, i bought two cakes for her.
i remember that last year kee told me that she hope that sha can has a fair lady as her birthday cake.
that's why this year i bought a fair lady and american chocolate cake for her.
when i saw she smile happily, i feel so happy too!

we celebrated in big A.
we sang, played, chat and captured there.
have a lot of fun!
but, those photo are not at my side, if not sure i will upload now.

around 12 something, all of us left there.
actually i not hope to go back so earlt, but my mother kept call my phone and want me back home.
no idea. that's why i gonna left first.
sorry guys.
but, i think sure you all will forgive me right?

anyway, fell tired now.
stop here.
good nights.


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