Saturday, June 9, 2012


Tomorrow gonna be another pretty day.
i'm going Penang tomorrow.
Don't know why, just feel not willing to leave here
i have more friends here.
and, my lovely mama is here too

going there to search some part time job.
i have 2 more months to go before intake of my local U
reluctant to leave here ;(

packed all my things already.
prepare for tomorrow.
going there by taking bus.
a tiring job for me
can i go there by aeroplane?
at least can save some time and use in searching job

my shop is okay already ;)
still trying my best to make more business and earn much more pocket money
i'm too poor :(
my banking account left very less balance only.
my laptop
my S3
tak ada lagi

promise myself gonna OT more in these coming 2 months.
earn more for things that i want!
Chee Lok  Yee, you can make it
goodnight world.
and, good morning!
hahaha xD
its 3.26a.m now.
sleep lerrr..

p/s : its my mama BIGDAY. my mama birthday. happy birthday and best wishes for her!

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