Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Penang life

came penang for 11 days already.
and, i had worked for 5 days.
and, today OFF!
syok man!

i'm one of STARBUCKS partner now
and, i'm enjoying in this job.
i learned much from that.
the knowledge of being a good barista and so on.
although the salary is not as high as what i get from Genting.
but, at least, i much more enjoy in this compare being a croupier in genting.

and, and, and!
i get 2 free beverages and 1 meals every duty day!
syok man!
it's STARBUCKS beverages!
its nice dude!
and, i tried different beverages everyday!
i feel so excited because i'm one of the STARBUCKS fans!

although the closing shift is quite tough, but i still can enjoy. **sometimes only lar
because, its really much more tiring compare to others shift.
that's why we get extra pay  for that!
and, the shit genting, although work midnight!
notice? is MIDNIGHT!
just get RM3 for that.
eat also not enough larrrrrr
see! so lc already

as what i said earlier, i having my off day today.
so, i'm being alone in my lovely room
need to enjoy to max for my only 1 day off for a week.
but, later, i'm gonna going Queensbay again for my another interview of part time job
so hardworking huh me!
instead of doing nothing in house, better i search some part time to do.
because, nobody fetch me to gai gai ;(
my sister only will has her own off days on weekends!

and, yesterday, my cousin gave birth safety!
thanks GOD for blessing her and her lovely baby girl :D
maybe tonight going to visit her ;)
i love baby much!

and, one thing!
i'm getting round and round since i came penang!
ate too much!
don't know why, i feel hungry always.
no idea with that!
just eat lorrrrr
when i back to kampar, sure everybody will notice that i fatter and fatter and fatter than before
keep fit?
later larrrr

gonna wash my uniform first.
bye bye.


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