Sunday, June 7, 2009


yesterday,hang out with my buddy.
little soo and soon.
i enjoy the time we gather together.
but for sure, not just they two narx.
**yun nam
**jia hui
**see teng
**yi man
and pei qi them also.
i love them so much.
they are my besties forever.
i promise!
i will remember you all forever! =)

i love you all so much.
if you all dissapear from my life, my life will become meaningless and colourless.
you guys delighted my life!

hang out with both of them for a whole night.
chit-chatting around there.
woohoo``` syok man!
have a happy moment with them.
thanks soo and soon!

tomorrow will be my parent's wedding anniversary.
and on 10th of june will be my lovely mommy birthday.
that's why we go to ipoh and celebrate together.

have a nice day.
having a lot of joke on the way to ipoh.
especially me and my daddy.
both of us keep on saying some joke in the car.
we two acting too~
haha. funny man!
all of us also laugh till tears drop.

since i was a little kid, i close to my daddy.
we two are just like best friends.
both of us always joking and playing around.
we like to play some jokes to my family.
haha. obviously, we are naughty.

after shopping around in jusco.
we decided to go for our dinner.
it's time for celebration.hehe.
i introduced a place for them to eat steak.
hehe. DELICIOUS man! woohoo```
the place was introduced by my buddy. ==> [ MY POINT]
the price was so reasonable and cheap.
you all can go there and have a try, i'm sure that you all will like it so much!
near jusco there.

i enjoyed my dinner so much.
all of us keep on laughing and chatting there.
hehe. because me and daddy keep on joking there.
the main reason for us to keep on laughing is. . i did so much of silly things.. haha..
one of the waiter there was so cute!
ute dou boom.
he is a cute guy with a cute smiling.
when i walked inside the cafe, i already noticed the guy!
woohoo``` he is damn cute!
i keep on looking at him..hahax...
paiseh! XD

didn't get his phone number tim.
and i didn't capture with him tim.
sad jor.
as what my parents say," then you sit here narx, we come back and fetch you tomorrow."
then what i reply them is," i make a decision already! i want to take a part time job here after my SPM!"
mommy," no need wait for so long.. tomorrow you start work here lur. haha"
lolx. faint.
he is cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
he is shyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!

forget about it lur~~~
but. . . . may i be friend with him?

feel so tired ler.
today i bought 2 books at mph.
the book price was freaking expensive.
sum tong ler although the books were pain by my mommy. T_T
i sure will appreaciate it so much. hehe.

tomorrow is kah min's birthday.
happy birthday to her.
start countdown for her right now.
3 minutes more ler.

nothing to write already.
stop here.
nights lur.


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