Friday, June 5, 2009


attended a wedding dinner. they say i mature jor. is it? haha.

weird feelings.
i also don't know how to describe what i am thinking now.
really really confuse.
super duper confuse.

still missing someone?
or i still loving someone?
can't found any answer for myself.
but for now, i really enjoy to be single but not available.
maybe someday, when i meet my prince, i will be available.

confuse about this feeling now.
i still care about it?
or i not care at all for long time ago?
can't find any good answer for myself.
a BIG question mark in my heart.
just hope that no more question mark inside my heart but change with a FULL-STOP.
maybe i will feel better then now.
nevermind lur.
at least i enjoy my life for now.

but, for sure that...
in his heart, no more any free space for me to get inside.
in his mind, no more my appearance.
i am not important for him anymore.
just a small character that pass-by in his life.
he already closed his door of his heart long time ago.
although how i knocked the door since last time, he also won't bother.
so, finally i give up.
that's me.
a stupid me doing the stupid things.
but, maybe that's enough for me.
at least, he was the one who left best memories for me to colourful my life.
at least, he loved me deeply before.
at least, he hold my hand and hug me tight before.
so, what i need to do now is teeling myself not to be too greedy.

anyway, i quite enjoy my life during this holidays.
i just enjoying in doing my homeworks.
i also don't know why i will enjoying in doing this kind of work recently.
maybe for you all, it will be a boring holidays if spend the time in doing homeworks.
repeating the same stuff..
attend tuition class, extra classes in my school, meeting and so on.
at least not just stay in my lovely home to be a LAZY pig.

on thursday, i made a cake.
the taste and the looking is nice.
my family and many of my friends like it!
enjoy~ WEEEE```
my besties yi man come to my house and "HELPED" me to complete my mission.
the way she HELPED me is just sitting there and keep on messaging with her honey.
maybe it was a way for her to ganbateh for me.
haha. but the most important is...
she helped me to buy milk.
hehe. because i forget to buy it!
without her helped, i think my cake will be unsuccess.haha.

after that, pretty kee came to my house.
lolx. she also came and helped me.
haha. but the way she helping me is more special.
she came and HELPED me to try it!
lolx. faint.
haha. after that, they two played ps to wait for the cake to cold.
we shouted all the time.
damn fun.! woohoo~~~
love them much!

now we change the topic again.
my dear yee.
don't be moody anymore.
sigh``` i know that i unable to comfort you because although what i say to you also useless.
sure you will be sad too~
i just can lend my ears and shoulders for you.
hope that you won't let yourself to be moody for too long time.
it is not worth for you to do so~
no matter what happened.
you still have a lot of friends beside you.
they will be your good listener.
promise me, you need to be more tough and take care yourself.

it's time for me to sleep now.
tomorrow still need to attend two meeting and two tuition classes.
goodnights everyone.

p/s : sorry for the postpone of the singing contest because danny suddenly not free today. sorry for that. hope that you all can try to tell others for that.. i represent all the comittees members to apologise to you all.

2.40 am

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