Saturday, June 27, 2009


this is our stall.

11 red roses

yesterday, never slept for a whole night.
exhausted , man!
duh~ pity me.
me, kee and nam kept on busy in making our selling products.
thanks, nam..
your helping really make us feel touching ler. thanks, love you. =)

5 sc oren was the class who seeling flowers this year,
yesterday, got a bonquet of flower from them.
11 red roses.
duh~ at first i'm wondering know who he was.
but, when i saw the card, i felt shock.
he bought the flowers for me. @_@
but, quite happy to get flowers. which girl does not like?
but, why you are the one who baought it? T_T
nevermind, forget about it.
but anyway thank you.

this year geh real roses are not so beautiful.
mine one geh can take is as example.
seems like all also want to die. lolx.
fake roses are prettier this year. haha.
but, for me. i hope to get a bonquet of forreror more. XD
i damn love chocolates!

today, i'm not so satisfied with our results ler.
but, nevermind lur.
at least many of you are helping us today.
hey guys! thanks for helping.
without you all, sure we can't success today.
thanks. muakx. =*

after going back to home.
i slept till 8 sumthing.
how geng i am.
then only woke up and took my dinner.

nothing special for me to write down today.
and i can't think anything to write down also.
because too tired.
that's all for today.



Wednesday, June 24, 2009

8 letters, 3 words, 1 meaning

nice? the first time i make the cream.
the words are ugly!

8 letters, 3 words, 1 meaning

just now read my dear yee's blog.
saw this sentence again.
suddenly, my mood affected by this sentence.
i do miss him now!
what he doing there?

in my mind, i still remember that this was the FIRST message that he sent to me and tell me that he loved me.
this was what he sent me before.
this was what he told me before.
i... miss him!
just a simple sentence, but, it's meaningful to me.
i do love him!
but, actuallt i still confusing whether i still love this guy or not.
maybe i do, or maybe i don't.

but this few days i sill thinking of him suddenly.
our memories appeared in my head.
DUH``` pity me.
need to stop this thinking now.
if not, sure i will mad soon!
maybe, he's too important for me.
he delighted my life.
he's the one that i most love!

okay, i think i gonna stop writing about him again.
id not, sure something will happened to me again.
stop missing or thinking of him! haha.
but, actually i enjoy my single life.
never think want to date again. haha.
or maybe i already biasa with this type of life.

okay, change the topic to three days ago~
father's day.
damn happy that day.
baked a cake for my daddy and my godfather.
they like that cake much!yippie!
felt happy =) WEEEE`````
they're important and meaningful to me!
daddy and godfather, i love you! muakx...

three more days, our school will held a canteen day in our school.
my class decided to sell all DIY things.
we all start to do all the things one week before.
huu~~ tired.
but enjoy. at least many of us will cooperate to each other and success our target together.
weeee``` love you guys! haha.
this two days, all the boys also start joining us to make those things.
hoho. many of them are funny when making some dolls there.
i do love them! i do love this class! full of joyness recently!haha.
not just keep on studying!
that not my style man!hehe. XD

okays. need to continue my work again.
5 sc merah ganbateh!
please come and support us and buy something from us this saturday!
welcome welcome!

5 sc merah ROAR!

today received one message.
the content is meaningful.



Monday, June 15, 2009


sick again.
keep coughing and flu now.
damn! i hate sick much!

today the stupid principal!
damn him!
scold me for stupid reason wer```
not my fault man!
before what he told me is not like what he tole me today!
but what he said today?!
damn! seems like all also my fault.
before your decision was different!
but now you blame me !
lazy to bother him~
sot blak.

today, school reopen.
everything back to normal.
nothing difference.
just our classroom changed already.
damn hate that class.
many mosquitoes biting me! lolx.
hate this so much! ARGH~
but, what can i do? sigh```

i get back some of my exam paper today.
my result.
no eyes to see anymore.
i just worry i will fail in any subjects.
pity me~

today meeting with hui and jun yap.
lolx. the stupid yap so funny!
his action makes me laugh till stomache.
lolx. he is a good and funny guy.
he is one of my best friend too.
today accompanied him to go and check for the price of trophy.
lolx. at last, he missed the bus to back home and i late for my tuition.
sobx sobx.
pity us~

need to complete my homework now.
night lur.


Sunday, June 14, 2009

09.06.2009 - 14.06.2009

a busy holidays.
but i enjoyed much.
tired enough.

start form 09.06.2009, i entered kampar camp.
tired enough.
tired then campers.
ARGH! suffering in being a instructor.
haha. i'm became the instuctor that most fierce in the camp.
my group member tell me something.
haha. that's what they told me.
haha. yaya, i admit it.
hope that you all will understand that why i need to do so.
because i want you all to know that when the time you all need to be serious, don't joke on it.

tired enough in that few days.
sorry to you all.
i know that i'm really fierce during the camp.
this year, those campers are not as good as last time.
their stamina are not so good.
but i know that some of them really try thier best already.
many of them just keep on saying that they want to go back to their home.
some of them cry also.
nowadays geh children........

my pretty dear, YEE sick in that camp.
when i have some time to visit her, but she fall asleep already.
looking at her, i know that she is tired enough.
after staying for a while, then i need to leave there to continue my work.

but.. hehe..
the lover of my dear staying in that room to take care of her.
duh~~~ good then.
sure dear happy at that moment. =)
dear, cheer up! at least you know that he still care about you!

the next day out from the camp, continue my next activity.
go for a trip that organised by pengawas.
damn boring. but if don't go fot it, will get punishment.
so i didn't have any choice to pick.
just follow the trip lorx.

i didn't follow them back to kampar on the spot.
haha. but stay overnight at my godsister's house.
although i was so tired, but i like it.
we take out dinner at shabu-shabu.
delicious man!
and the price was cheap!

but, maybe i was too tired.
i feel like no eating mood.
just eat some.
and have the symptom of denggi.
== fever
== around my neck there was pain
== sore throat
== tak ada selera untuk makan
== tired

but my sister say that these symptom are same with 中暑also ler.
exhausted man!

tomorrow gonna go for school again.
not in school mood right now!

don't know what i am talking right now.
better stop here.
if not later all of you also don't know what i'm talking about.



Sunday, June 7, 2009


yesterday,hang out with my buddy.
little soo and soon.
i enjoy the time we gather together.
but for sure, not just they two narx.
**yun nam
**jia hui
**see teng
**yi man
and pei qi them also.
i love them so much.
they are my besties forever.
i promise!
i will remember you all forever! =)

i love you all so much.
if you all dissapear from my life, my life will become meaningless and colourless.
you guys delighted my life!

hang out with both of them for a whole night.
chit-chatting around there.
woohoo``` syok man!
have a happy moment with them.
thanks soo and soon!

tomorrow will be my parent's wedding anniversary.
and on 10th of june will be my lovely mommy birthday.
that's why we go to ipoh and celebrate together.

have a nice day.
having a lot of joke on the way to ipoh.
especially me and my daddy.
both of us keep on saying some joke in the car.
we two acting too~
haha. funny man!
all of us also laugh till tears drop.

since i was a little kid, i close to my daddy.
we two are just like best friends.
both of us always joking and playing around.
we like to play some jokes to my family.
haha. obviously, we are naughty.

after shopping around in jusco.
we decided to go for our dinner.
it's time for celebration.hehe.
i introduced a place for them to eat steak.
hehe. DELICIOUS man! woohoo```
the place was introduced by my buddy. ==> [ MY POINT]
the price was so reasonable and cheap.
you all can go there and have a try, i'm sure that you all will like it so much!
near jusco there.

i enjoyed my dinner so much.
all of us keep on laughing and chatting there.
hehe. because me and daddy keep on joking there.
the main reason for us to keep on laughing is. . i did so much of silly things.. haha..
one of the waiter there was so cute!
ute dou boom.
he is a cute guy with a cute smiling.
when i walked inside the cafe, i already noticed the guy!
woohoo``` he is damn cute!
i keep on looking at him..hahax...
paiseh! XD

didn't get his phone number tim.
and i didn't capture with him tim.
sad jor.
as what my parents say," then you sit here narx, we come back and fetch you tomorrow."
then what i reply them is," i make a decision already! i want to take a part time job here after my SPM!"
mommy," no need wait for so long.. tomorrow you start work here lur. haha"
lolx. faint.
he is cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
he is shyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!

forget about it lur~~~
but. . . . may i be friend with him?

feel so tired ler.
today i bought 2 books at mph.
the book price was freaking expensive.
sum tong ler although the books were pain by my mommy. T_T
i sure will appreaciate it so much. hehe.

tomorrow is kah min's birthday.
happy birthday to her.
start countdown for her right now.
3 minutes more ler.

nothing to write already.
stop here.
nights lur.


Friday, June 5, 2009


attended a wedding dinner. they say i mature jor. is it? haha.

weird feelings.
i also don't know how to describe what i am thinking now.
really really confuse.
super duper confuse.

still missing someone?
or i still loving someone?
can't found any answer for myself.
but for now, i really enjoy to be single but not available.
maybe someday, when i meet my prince, i will be available.

confuse about this feeling now.
i still care about it?
or i not care at all for long time ago?
can't find any good answer for myself.
a BIG question mark in my heart.
just hope that no more question mark inside my heart but change with a FULL-STOP.
maybe i will feel better then now.
nevermind lur.
at least i enjoy my life for now.

but, for sure that...
in his heart, no more any free space for me to get inside.
in his mind, no more my appearance.
i am not important for him anymore.
just a small character that pass-by in his life.
he already closed his door of his heart long time ago.
although how i knocked the door since last time, he also won't bother.
so, finally i give up.
that's me.
a stupid me doing the stupid things.
but, maybe that's enough for me.
at least, he was the one who left best memories for me to colourful my life.
at least, he loved me deeply before.
at least, he hold my hand and hug me tight before.
so, what i need to do now is teeling myself not to be too greedy.

anyway, i quite enjoy my life during this holidays.
i just enjoying in doing my homeworks.
i also don't know why i will enjoying in doing this kind of work recently.
maybe for you all, it will be a boring holidays if spend the time in doing homeworks.
repeating the same stuff..
attend tuition class, extra classes in my school, meeting and so on.
at least not just stay in my lovely home to be a LAZY pig.

on thursday, i made a cake.
the taste and the looking is nice.
my family and many of my friends like it!
enjoy~ WEEEE```
my besties yi man come to my house and "HELPED" me to complete my mission.
the way she HELPED me is just sitting there and keep on messaging with her honey.
maybe it was a way for her to ganbateh for me.
haha. but the most important is...
she helped me to buy milk.
hehe. because i forget to buy it!
without her helped, i think my cake will be unsuccess.haha.

after that, pretty kee came to my house.
lolx. she also came and helped me.
haha. but the way she helping me is more special.
she came and HELPED me to try it!
lolx. faint.
haha. after that, they two played ps to wait for the cake to cold.
we shouted all the time.
damn fun.! woohoo~~~
love them much!

now we change the topic again.
my dear yee.
don't be moody anymore.
sigh``` i know that i unable to comfort you because although what i say to you also useless.
sure you will be sad too~
i just can lend my ears and shoulders for you.
hope that you won't let yourself to be moody for too long time.
it is not worth for you to do so~
no matter what happened.
you still have a lot of friends beside you.
they will be your good listener.
promise me, you need to be more tough and take care yourself.

it's time for me to sleep now.
tomorrow still need to attend two meeting and two tuition classes.
goodnights everyone.

p/s : sorry for the postpone of the singing contest because danny suddenly not free today. sorry for that. hope that you all can try to tell others for that.. i represent all the comittees members to apologise to you all.

2.40 am