Friday, April 20, 2012

Going to kl very soon. countdown the days..
not for travelling/vacation. but for working..

once upon a time, when i was still a little kid.
i always wish to stay in this city very much.
but, time flies and i'm getting bigger, i wish to go to penang.
penang is much more better than KL!

Gonna work for my aunt as a office girl. LOL!
Actually, i dislike this kind of job muchie! it's too boring for me.
add on, there isn't any friends and families stay beside me.
i'll died! Due to the reason : am too boring in this job.

because of this reason, i gonna deal with something that i hate!
because of you, you force me to make this decision!
nevermind, i keep on tell myself.
just like trying to hypnosis myself to accept this job.
please, no next time. because i want to enjoy my life to the max!
but not trapping myself to do this kind of stuff.
i'm so sorry to say that~

few months had passed, MAY is coming soon.
but, i never study or attend english courses to improve my POOR and BROKEN english..
my grammar is sucks!

recently, start to decorate my blog again with writing out my feelings.
abandon it for a long period.
so, now, i gonna sayang it back ;)

guys, please keep on give support to my bloggie! ;)

gonna pack, and leave here soon.
i'll miss you, my dearest mummy and daddy.
and you, MR. Chong!
please be a good teacher!
haha xD

goodnight peoples.. stay tuned! :D

12.55 a.m

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