Saturday, October 30, 2010

once, i read jia ying's blog..
my mood effected..
i start to countdown the days that she need to left here..
i feel so happy that she able to study oversea..
she ables to go for her dream..
but.. i really not willing for her to go so far away..
she is one of my best friends since form 3..

the days we always chit chat and play in "OUR" storeroom..
the days we tease each others
the days we skip our class together just for chit-chatting..
the days we having marching practice together..
the days we gossip others..
the days we said heart words to each others..
the days i cried on her shoulder..
she are the one..
that always accompany me when i was form 3..
she always comfort me and cheer me up!
she is the one who always help me to pass my days that full with tears..
a girl..
that always smile silly..
scratch her head when not understanding something..
will always trust what others say..
although it's just a joke..
that her..
my little jia ying..
how cute is she..
i like to play joke on her..
looking to her shy face..
how bad i am
since, she left our secondary school..
we are getting less and less to contact each other..
but, she still are the one of my best friend..
because we have the same memories between each other..
muahahahaha xD
jia ying!
wish you all the best in the future..
i am still here for you when you need any listener..
because i am lok
2.48 am
settled my problem.
a new life and journey between both of us..
i am happy enough now!
because there is no more problem between both of us.
thanks GOD.

for next of my topic that i wish to share with you guys is :
ta dra~~~
my exam result.
although just like SHIT!
but, still bit satisfied in it..
need to be more hardworking in the future.
as what poeple always say
muet : 194 (Band 4)
pengajian am : passed
chemistry : passed
mathematics : failed
feel sorry that i am not writing out my "pretty" result..
1st time, i fail in my maths subject..
shame on me..
but, form 6's maths is totally difficult..
can't blame on anyone..
because i am lazy in doing exercise..
need to improve in this..
another hand is..
haha xD
i score 194 marks in my muet.
although it isn't a high mark..
i am the top three in my class..
woohoo! congrates to myself..
need to pay m0re effort on it..
to score a higher marks!
i believed that i can do it..
nothing to say about..
i know i need to be more hardworking from now..
for my next government examination
but i haven't prepare to work hard yet.
but, i sure i will do this very soon..
a promise to myself..
for my future..
nothing to crap about..
just stop here..
nights buddy..
keep on diet if i can.
pay more effort in my academics if i can trow off my lazy habits.
chee lok yee, ganbateh!
2.03 a.m

Sunday, October 24, 2010

exam exam and exam
my brain is blank without any knowledge.
i am stupid!
no doubt..
how come i choose form 6 as my next journey?
the syllabus are too difficult for me
and, i am too lazy for studying.
is time to face the death!
feel despair
for everything.
i have my 5 besties and my lovely family that always stand by me.
without them..
i will lost my way.
i heard the heart's word of him.
i cried.
i was so sad.
i need my besties at that moment..
i need them much.
i decided many thins at that particular moment.
i choose to be silent.
i appologized for nothing.
just go away from me.
i have no any reading feel.
on the coming days.
i need to be more hardworking
because study is my responsibility.
for my pretty future.
stop crying
no more tears allowed here!
i need to be more and more tough to face the problem in the future alone.
8.32 pm