Monday, September 24, 2012










Friday, September 14, 2012

♥ Home Sweet Home ♥

     Home sweet home 

     Notice something? Hehe.. Home sweet home! :D weeeeeeeee~ Its heaven! Can i just stay here instead of going back the hell place? ;( There's too much of yummy food here. i love my kampung!

    And, thank you to all my UMP buddy, for giving me a suprise birthday party! :) Thanks for preparing my birthday cake. Although it just a simple celebration, but, i felt so touching for the things that you all done for me :) thank you! :D

     Another thing, i was so happy when i know my EPT result. What's EPT? Something like MUET, but this test is only for UMP students. During our orientation week, i sat for my est already. i did not complete my paper, but just simply wrote that, because i was too sleepy that time >.< So emo about that. I just wrote 4 paragraphs for my article. Lol. And, i don't know what am i writing also. Just like shit! And, how lucky i am! I got level 2! :D woohoo! let's rock tonight! hahahahahahaha xD I got the highest level! Unbelievable! I'm so so so lucky! Only 6 people in my faculty get level 2! Only 6!!!!!! hahahaha :D And, I'm one of them! Thanks GOD! But if you are one off my blog follower, you will noticed actually my english is very poor right? I'm so sorry about that. But in future, i'll try my best to improve my english! I swear! Weeeeeeee! :D

     Had my 1st birthday celebration with my UMP gangs, my 2nd birthday celebration with my man! :) maybe later, with my family? uhmmmmm~ hahahaha xD I went to secret recipe with my man just now and had a slice of new york cheese cake! jeng! I'm sorry to say that i really addict to cheesecake! Cheese cheese cheese! Hou jeng! :P After that, i packed a slice of carrot slice back, for my mummy and daddy :) I tried that before, it tastes good! You all may try some day :)

     Went to penang with my family again! Haha xD I love penang much! And, fetch my lovely jie jie come back Kampar! Cendol and 炸年糕again! Jeng ark! I have nothing to eat at UMP there. That's why i eat a lot today! Delicious-nya! And, we went to 鲜定味 also! So nice! The food there taste good! Thumbs up :) weeeeee... Will try again next time :D

     So sleepy already. Sleep now. Tomorrow before going to ipoh, do my revision first :P Gonna be much more hardworking, so that i can try my best to fight for what i want! :D


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

New environment

     Hi people, I'm back. A post that without any cheerful feelings. Seriously, for me, this place is a hell! ;( Where's my heaven? Anyone can bring me out from here and fly to my dream university? 

     I had a bad orientation week here. Seriously, none of us like the programs that set by seniors. Its so boring and make us feel tiring only! >.< They all just seem like giving themselves a stage and a chance to syok sendiri! LOL! Please forgive me because i said so. I'm sorry. Having talk, doing the "refreshment", rush here rush there by doing nothing @.@ Sleep for only 3 - 4 hours per day. Woke up at 4 something to gather together but doing nothing and just let us "pancing ikan" there. Conclusion, I dislike all these! YUCKS!

     On the other hand, the meals provided by them and university are really sucks. Dirty and not nice! ;( One of my friend vomit after took the meal provided by the school, while me and other friends keep on not feeling well and stomache. ;( Torturing us! >.< I had bread and biscuits for me meal for 1 week already. GOSH! I'm gonna die soon.. And, just now, i gave them another chance, i tried the fried rice. Not feeling well again? 4 years time, I'm gonna stay here for 4 years! Unbelievable! Its just like mission impossible for me.. 

     The next thing, i'm facing another problem - sensitivity of skin ;( allergic to water or something else? I also not sure. My leg feel so itchy once i had my shower everyday.. T.T Scratch, scratch and scratch. ;( Its suffering.. And, the skin under my hair is getting more and more pimples and don't know what thing else. ;( I'm really not happy with that. It is because of the water problem? ;( That's why i'm so moody recently. Everyone who read my status in my facebook may feel that i just don't want to face the fact that i'm entering this university, but do you guys know the story behind that? Please don't judge me if you don't know. I really facing skin problem here! That's why i'm not so satisfied here.

     There's nothing for m to eat also besides the Malay food provided by UMP ;( And, i dare not to eat anymore, that's why its torturing me :( Except the chicken chop from another stall, i still okay with that. But everyday also chicken chop? o.O And there's nothing else to eat nearby. There's no any others stall or chinese restaurant here. As what i heard from seniors, the nearest chinese restaurant take 30 minutes of cycling time to reach time! I was like OMG! 30 minutes for people who cycling? Then how about walk? @.@ There's nothing here!!! For first year student, we are not allow to drive our own transport here. Then where else we can go for searching food? ;(

     Seriously, i never miss my home so much since i was a kid. The first day i came here,  wish to go back much already. Because the environment. People who study in others university may say something that make you feel irritating! Because they never experience the life here! So, please shut up! You don't have any right to judge me! I'm sorry to say that because i heard something that really make me feel angry that day! And, i have my temper also. Keep silent doesn't mean that you can keep on judge me, okay? I just want to treasure our friendship.

     Computer science, people who know me well will understand that i do not know anything relate to computer at all. But, nowadays, every class, every moment, i also need to face the things and notes that relate to computer. I'm not really interest in this field. Besides my lovely family, GOD is the one who give me energy to face all these things, HE is the one who always accompany me no matter i'm happy or not. THANK YOU!

     And my love one, my man. He's the one who know my situation well. No matter what happen, he's the one who stay beside me. Although its just a phone call, but it may comfort my heart. Thank you dear! Thanks GOD for present him to me :) Although he's not perfect enough, but, at least he will try his best things to me :) He purposely buy a bus ticket to go back kampar just because want to celebrate my birthday for me! :D Hooray! Wait for the coming Friday!

     And last but not least, thanks GOD for let these awesome people appear in my university life. SUSAN, SZE KIM, VKI, HUI ZHONG, girls rock! I have a great moment with you all. Treasure the memories between each other :)

     Hope that there's a miracle for me. That's my birthday wish. I just hope that miracle happens! GOD, believe me, i will try my best to achieve what i had promised you. Please, believe me. I will! I will not did the same thing again. Just give me a chance, okay? :) Thank you.

** birthday wish : miracle happen, get what i want **
