Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Another T-junction

     Facing another T-junction in my life. What should i do? Which path should i take? I'm still considering. Every decision and step i take now is related to my future. I need to think properly instead of rushing to make a decision ;( GOD, i know you're always beside me and guiding me right? :)

     Choosing an Uni that you don't like at all or go for an Uni that you like most? But for sure, there;s still have some T&C there ;( I tried and tried and tried.. But, seems no results. Oh gosh! I cried again. In front of my MAN. ;( Because of academic stuffs again. I feel that i am so fail! Today only i notice that i sent my  documents to wrong person already. This guy is not the one that in-charge in these stuffs ;( At the moment, a complicated feelings appeared. How come i so stupid?

     4 days left. Countdown-ing. I'm so moody. I have no mood in preparing my luggage and documents. ;( But, what else can i do? ;( A Uni which strictly follow Islam's rule. ;( A place that i not familiar with at all. Can I survive in the future 4 years? I can't imagine at all. I just feel like : SIGH~

     2 days time. A correct decision. A path which related with your future. I believe i can do it。

03.33 a.m

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