Saturday, July 7, 2012

few days later, upu result will be released.
i hope there's miracle happen!
i hope i can enter my favourite local university!
USM, penang!

i came here for almost 1 month.
i like the life here much!
the best state in Malaysia!
here, have a lot of shopping malls that i like.
here, have a lot of nice food.
i'm so sorry to say.
i love to eat.
i love to shop!
that's why i'm getting round and round.
and!!! i'm getting poor ;(

nevermind, i'll try my best to earn much money to cover my expenses!
ahahaahha xD
this is my life.
i should enjoy my life to the max instead of doing nothing.
i learn a lot of things in this one-month time.
i enjoy here.

and, don't know why.
today i feel that i'm so so so lucky.
bad luck, please, get away from me.
i believe there's good luck waiting for me :)


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