Thursday, December 10, 2009

no title

sometimes, i really speechless.
sigh~ at first i will expected i will score A in it.
but, what the...
i egt sick on the day before the exam and the day for chemistry paper.
fever, headache, feel wanna vomit.
why everytime also will sick during exam period?
i hate much!!!
i can't concentrate in my paper at all.
how can i score well?
i told my besties that i'm not feeling well.
but, they told me
" XXX more cham err"
"she gastric"
lolx. i'm not interest in her stuff.
she is not my gang okay?
i speechless.
i just need you guys' caring.
she just gastric, so what?
i also always gastric what.
during the exam, my sweat keep on flowing out from my body.
even i can't hold my pen properly because i didn't have enough of energy to hold it.
keep on felt dizzy.
but, who cares?
when i said it out to you.
you told me that she more pity and blahs.
even, when i telling you guys, you all can say about others things.
at that moment, i almost... cry~
but i still pretending nothing. keep on smiling to you all.
because of what?
because of you all are my besties.
the friends that are most important in my life.!
anyone can care about my feelings?
i just hope to get " are you okay?" from you all.
just a simple sentences.
but, i felt quite happy because some of you asked me am i okay once finish exam.
besties, i love you all.
i just need you all.
not others.
but, i know that..
our relation not as close as before.
since she appeared.
i hate her appearance!
still i want to say that, for me, just can be friend.
but not besties.
and i really really hope that all of us can back to before.
always gather together.
just 6 of us.
is it impossible?
i don't know.
12.26 p.m
actually, my heart is crying.

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